Tulsi Infused Herbal Vinegar

Have you been looking for a way to incorporate more plant medicines into your everyday life?

Look no further with this herbal infused vinegar recipe!

Tulsi Infused Herbal Vinegar

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I don’t know about you but some days it can feel overwhelming trying to get in all these different herbal infusions, teas & tinctures that I know are beneficial to my body.  It can feel like I’m doing nothing more than drinking herbal tea after herbal tea trying to remember which tincture I talk & which ones I still require.  

But what if there was another way?  What if we just started to incorporate more plant allies into our everyday food & drink?

Today I’m going to share a wonderful infuse vinegar recipe that came from one of my favorite herbal guides Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs A Beginner’s Guide

Let’s talk a bit about the ingredients in this 2 ingredient infused herbal vinegar that you could customize if you wanted to or just follow the recipe as it is.

The first ingredient to go in this infusion is raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar 

What is raw apple cider vinegar?

Measuring cup full of raw apple cider vinegar

It's a vinegar made from crushed fermented apples, yeast & sugar.  

It contains many beneficial nutrients such as:

  • Acetic acid: this is what is responsible for the health benefits & studies have been showing that it is what helps control blood pressure,  fat accumulation, reduce blood sugar levels & alleviating inflammation.  Apple cider vinegar contains approximately 5% of this compound

  • Citric acid: a naturally occurring antioxidant that can protect the body by killing bacteria & lowering acid in urine.

  • Pectin : a source of prebiotics that has been shown to have an effect on blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels & digestive health.

  • Vitamins B1: Thiamin which is essential for glucose metabolism, nerve, muscle & heart function

  • Vitamin B2:  Riboflavin which helps to support cellular functions of the body

  • Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine which is important for brain development & keeping the nervous system & immune system healthy 

  • Biotin: which helps your body break food down into energy 

  • Folic acid: helps make & repair our DNA, helps cells to grow, divide & work properly assisting red blood cells to mature

  • Niacin: Vitamin B3 benefits the entire bodily system by keeping your nervous system, digestive system & skin healthy 

  • Pantothenic acid: Vitamin B5 helps support your metabolism & improves cholesterol levels

  • Vitamin C: ascorbic acid which your body requires to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle & collagen in bones

  • Potassium: an electrolyte that helps your muscles to contract & acts as a counterbalance to sodium 

  • Calcium: an essential mineral for healthy teeth & bones as well as playing a role in blood clotting, muscle contraction & nerve functioning 

  • Polyphenol: works as an antioxidant protecting the body & neutralizing against free radicals that can damage cells

  • Amino acids: which are the building blocks of protein our bodies need to function correctly 

As you can see this humble vinegar contains so many things our body requires just to function properly at a cellular level.  

We will need to make sure that the apple cider vinegar your using is labeled as “with the mother”

What does “with the mother” mean?

The “mother” is the film that forms during the fermentation process.  It is similar to a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria & Yeast) you would use for the kombucha making process

The vinegar “mother”

In fact vinegar that does not contain the mother is said to be an inferior product as it is the mother that provides all of the health benefits due to the dozens of strains of good bacteria otherwise known as probiotics

The “mother” contains enzymes that are essential for breaking down foods so your body can receive the nutrients 

What are the risks of apple cider vinegar? 

Like everything too much of a good thing is never healthy & apple cider vinegar is no exception

It is high in acid & it could potentially irritate your esophagus or even erode tooth enamel if you drink it straight or if you consume too much.  This is why it is recommended you water it down if you’re choosing to take it as a health shot.

It can cause nausea & indigestion if you take it on an empty stomach

It should be avoided if you have chronic kidney disease or if you are on insulin as it can interact so be sure to consult your healthcare professionals before trying this out

What are some other uses for apple cider vinegar?

  • Providing eczema relief when added to bath water

  • Skin toner

  • Improves hair health when used as a rinse

  • Remedy for acne by mixing 1 part water to 1 part AVC

  • Detox mask for face or armpits when with bentonite clay

  • Sunburn relief when a cloth soaked in ACV is placed on the skin

  • An all purpose toxin free household cleaner by adding 1 cup of water to ½ cup ACV

  • Fabric softener when added to the wash

These are just a few of the many uses of apple cider vinegar that go above & beyond the health benefits it already contains

Tulsi Infused Herbal Vinegar

So that’s our first ingredient & as you can see it is full of so many amazing & beneficial health benefits that I’m wondering why I didn’t start consuming this sooner.

To our apple cider vinegar we’re going to add some Holy Basil AKA Tulsi 

Holy Basil/Tulsi

Ocimum sanctum


  • Pungent

  • Bitter

  • Sweet

Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities

  • Nervine sedative with a strong affinity for the nervous system in general helping to calm the mind

  • Nootropic helping to improve cognitive functioning

  • Carminative dispelling excess gas/wind from the body

  • Circulatory stimulant due to its pungent flavor helping to improve blood flow 

  • Improves digestion due to the bitter taste really getting those digestive juices & secretions going

  • Diaphoretic helping to stimulate the immune system, reducing mucus by inducing sweating & helping to reduce histamine activity 

  • Blood sugar regulator with an influence on the adrenal glands lowering stress & has been shown to be supportive for both insulin resistance & full blown diabetes 


  • Hot

  • Drying 

  • Relaxing


  • Avoid if pregnant as there is conflicting evidence showing that it may damage embryos

  • It may slow down clotting & should also be avoided 2 weeks before & after surgery

  • It contraindicated with anticoagulant & antiplatelet drugs 

Ruling Planet

  • Jupiter

Ruling Element 

  • Fire 

Dried Holy Basil Herb

According to Ayurveda which is a 5,000 year old medical system heavily practiced in India & Nepal they’ve used holy basil to help combat a plethora of conditions.

Some of these are:

  • Stress & anxiety

  •  Coughing & asthma

  • Intestinal issues & diarrhea

  • Fevers

  • Arthritis

  • Eye conditions

  • Earaches & pain

  • Hiccups

  • Ulcers

  • Heart & artery conditions

  • Back pain

  • Skin conditions

  • Ring work

  • Various bites from insects, snakes, & scorpions 

  • Malaria 

So all that is great but how do you use this infused vinegar?

  • As a marinade or in a stir fry

  • Use as vinaigrette salad dressing using 1 part vinegar to 2 parts oil with a little sweetener if desired such as maple syrup or honey.  Try to avoid refined white sugar if you can. 

  • Use as a creamy salad dressing add some mayonnaise

  • Drizzle over roasted vegetables or fish

  • Use to baste chicken while baking.

  • Add a splash to soups and stews to add extra flavor.


1-3 tbsp dried Holy Basil or ½ fresh herbs that have been bruised with a mortar & pestle

Raw, unpasteurized, apple cider vinegar with the mother


  1. Place herb in a sterilized jar → to sterilize in the oven, put the jar in a 220F oven for 20 minutes

  2. Pour vinegar over the herbs leaving a ¼ inch of space at the top

  3. Cover with wax or parchment paper & a sanitized lid

  4. Store in a dark cool place for 3-4 weeks & taste the vinegar to see if you like the flavor.  If you would like a stronger flavor allow to sit & develop longer

  5. When the flavor is to your liking, strain the solids through cheesecloth & compost the spent herbs


  • Drizzle 2-3 tbsp of infused vinegar over your salad

  • Drink a small toddy of a ¼ cup or less daily.  If choosing this method be sure to add some water & drink with a straw to avoid potential tooth erosion 


  • Store in the refrigerator & use within 6 months


  • If the vinegar becomes cloudy or shows signs of mold discard immediately

  • Get creative with this vinegar by adding other tasty herbs such as garlic, whole chili peppers or sprigs of rosemary, sage or thyme to enhance the flavor & medicinal properties 

Comment down below & let me know What are some ways you are planning on using your infused vinegar?  I’d love to hear about it 

Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing garlic & sage infused olive oil recipe that can be added to this vinegar to make a vinaigrette or use it on its own to receive the health benefits it has to offer

Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!


Garlic & Sage Infused Culinary Olive Oil


Sole Water for Optimum Health, Hydration & Wellness