Garlic & Sage Infused Culinary Olive Oil
Let’s make a garlic & sage infused olive oil for a culinary treat that possesses many health benefits while tasting absolutely heavenly
Don’t take my word on it, let your taste buds be the judge!
Garlic & Sage Infused Culinary Olive Oil
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Today I’m going to be sharing a garlic & sage infused olive oil recipe. You can add this oil to last week's infused holy basil vinegar to make a tasty salad dressing or you could toss your favorite pasta in this tasty oil.
Let’s talk about the ingredients going in our recipe today starting with olive oil. To be honest I was a bit taken aback regarding how many health benefits olive oil actually provides.
Bottle of olive oil on a table
Growing up I was taught to be afraid of fats & oils. I was told that they were things that needed to be avoided. I can also say from personal experience being deficient in healthy oils & fats can have negative health consequences. There are many studies & research showing that we need an adequate amount of healthy fat & to deny our body these healthy fats & oils we’re denying our opportunity to be as healthy as we possibly can.
Fat is what gives your body energy, protects your organs, supports cellular growth, keeping cholesterol & blood pressure under control as well as assisting your body to absorb the vital nutrients.
Can you see how there may be some flaws in what we’ve been told about fat?
I’m going to let you in on a secret I learned that blew my mind. Fat does not make you fat but not all fat is equal. Yes we do want to limit trans fats & saturated fats but polyunsaturated fats are essential.
The American Heart Association suggests a goal of 5-6% of your daily calories comes from saturated fats.
You probably know when your body is dehydrated & you could use a glass of water. But did you know your body needs healthy oils & fats to actually function properly?
Ever have cracking nails, dry skin, dry scalp or white flaky dandruff? Chances are you may be dehydrated in oil.
Our nerves also require oil to properly conduct the electrical signals they send throughout the body. Have you ever been on a low fat diet but noticed your anxiety, nervousness or brain fog increase? Are you starting to put the pieces together?
Our fat source for our recipe today is found in olive oil but you could also use avocado if you prefer but the health benefits will be slightly different but still beneficial to the body.
Olive oil has many health benefits:
Rich in fats which are mostly healthy, 1 tablespoon of olive contains:
9.86 grams of monounsaturated fat helps to lower bad cholesterol & raise good cholesterol. We typically get this from eating avocados, nuts & seeds
1.42 grams of polyunsaturated fat which is essential for nerve function, blood clotting, brian health & even muscle strength. We typically get this from fish, seafood & healthy vegetable oils
1.86 grams of saturated fats, these are the ones you don’t necessarily want to avoid but you do want to limit as a diet high in saturated fat can raise bad cholesterol. We typically get this from eating red meat, full fat dairy & eggs
13% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin E which helps keep your cells healthy by protecting against free radicals, boosting immunity & preventing your blood from clotting within the blood vessels
9% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin K which plays a role in blood clotting bone metabolism & mineralization
Trace amounts of potassium which helps to support the function of the kidneys & heart
Contains antioxidants reducing your risk of chronic disease
Anti inflammatory properties & can help protect the heart from disease when you consume 1-2 tablespoons per day
Polyphenol content helps to protect the heart from disease & research is showing consuming more than ½ tablespoon a day may lower your risk of heart disease
Considered to be highly protective against type 2 diabetes
Protects brain function from cognitive decline
Garlic & Sage Infused Culinary Olive Oil
Allium sativum
Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities
Immune stimulant & is helpful for keeping colds & flus at bay
Circulatory stimulant improving circulation throughout the entire body & helping with hypertension
Its been shown to be beneficial in lowering cholesterol concentrations by up to 10% favorably altering the good & bad cholesterol ratios
Carminative helping dispel excess wind & gas from the body aiding in digestion
Increases the digestive fire
Expectorant helping to dispel mucus from the body
Inflammation modulating helping to regulate any inflammation you may be experiencing in any part of your body
Avoid if you have stomach inflammation, gastritis, ulcers
Use with caution if you are nursing as you may pass on gastric upset in the nursing child
Garlic thins the blood so be sure that if you are on any medication you speak to your healthcare practitioner first to discuss any possible interactions
Ruling Planet
Ruling Element
Salvia officinalis
Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities
Antiseptic, astringent & antibacterial helping to treat sore throats & coughs
Carminative supporting digestive health by relieving indigestion & bloating
Assists & supports the entire digestive function improving the assimilation of fatty foods
Astringent helping to tighten & tone the tissues of the body
Nootropic helping to improve clear thinking, memory, concentration & other cognitive functions
According to the FDA it is approved for food use as a spice or seasoning. However some species of sage contain a constituent called thujone that can cause seizures when taken at high or long term doses.
Avoid in medicinal doses if you are epileptic
Avoid in nursing as it has the ability to lessen or completely dry up breast milk
Ruling Planet
Ruling Element
5 Garlic cloves → peeled & smashed. You can really use as many as you like but the more you use the stronger the garlic flavor will be
2 cups Olive oil
1-3 tbsp Dried sage leaf
Part 1:
Smash up some garlic cloves into the top of a double boiler
Cover the garlic with oil & slowly infuse for 20-30 minutes
Remove from the heat
Part 2:
Place dried sage leaf in a sterilized jar. To sterilize in the oven place the jar & lid in a 220F oven for 20 minutes
Pour the infused olive oil into the jar over the sage
Stir until everything is incorporated
Cover with wax or parchment paper & a sterilized lid
Allow the mixture to sit for 2-4 weeks shaking daily.
Taste your oil & when it’s a flavor of your liking strain the mixture though some cheesecloth & compost the spend herbs
Use this as you would a dose of olive oil as often as you require
Keep in the refrigerator & use within 6 months
Storing your oil in the refrigerator might make it appear thick & cloudy but it will become liquid again once it comes to room temperature
Sometimes I find it easier when I’m making a salad dressing to mix the oil with vinegar when the oil is in this slightly solidified state. Give it a try & you will see what I mean
Comment down below & let me know you plan on using this infused oil?
Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing a Dandelion Banana Bread recipe!
Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!