Sole Water for Optimum Health, Hydration & Wellness

Are you looking for a way to get in your trace minerals, elements & natural electrolytes?

Let’s talk about Sole water!

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I don’t know about you but trying to get in all of my required minerals can be a challenge.  The answer is Sole (So-lay) water which can provide you with hydration by replenishing your electrolytes naturally as well as many of those trace minerals our bodies require.

There have been studies suggesting that drinking sole water has many health benefits such as

  • Better sleep

  • Increased hydration & potentially reducing headaches

  • Reduced stress

  • Balancing hormones & the pH factor in the body

  • Decreasing muscle cramps

  • Detoxing the body of heavy metal

  • Providing the body with 84 trace mineral & elements 

So what is Sole water?

It is a water that has been saturated to a 26% solution of filtered or spring water & pink Himalayan salt which is said to be the healthiest salt we have available to us.  It comes to us from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan near the Himalayan Mountains.   

Sole water comes from the latin word Sol which means Sun.  The french word for sun is soleil (pronounced so-ley).  For our recipe today we will be harnessing the energy of the Sun by incorporating a solar infusion into our solution.  

An interesting thing about this recipe is that you can definitely use additional salts such as Redmond's Real Salt which is an unrefined sea salt that comes from an ancient seabed in Utah or Grey Celtic sea salt from the coast of Brittany France. 

The bulk of the salt you are choosing to use will need to be pink Himalayan salt because that is the salt that contains over 84 minerals & elements 

  1. Manganese

  2. Zinc

  3. Copper

  4. Iodine

  5. Phosphorus

  6. Sodium

  7. Chloride

  8. Potassium

  9. Calcium

  10. Magnesium

  11. Iron

  12. Silicon

  13. Vanadium

  14. Cobalt

  15. Nickel

  16. Sulfur

  17. Fluoride

  18. Boron

  19. Chromium

  20. Selenium

  21. Molybdenum

  22. Lithium

  23. Strontium

  24. Rubidium

  25. Thallium

  26. Bismuth

  27. Antimony

  28. Barium

  29. Titanium

  30. Aluminum

  31. Gallium

  32. Germanium

  33. Zirconium

  34. Niobium

  35. Cadmium

  36. Tungsten

  37. Lead

  38. Uranium

  39. Silver

  40. Gold

  41. Platinum

  42. Palladium

  43. Rhodium

  44. Ruthenium

  45. Indium

  46. Scandium

  47. Yttrium

  48. Lanthanum

  49. Cerium

  50. Uranium

  51. Neptunium

  52. Plutonium

  53. Americium

  54. Curium

  55. Berkelium

  56. Californium

  57. Praseodymium

  58. Neodymium

  59. Samarium

  60. Europium

  61. Gadolinium

  62. Terbium

  63. Dysprosium

  64. Holmium

  65. Erbium

  66. Thulium

  67. Ytterbium

  68. Lutetium

  69. Hafnium

  70. Tantalum

  71. Tungsten

  72. Rhenium

  73. Osmium

  74. Iridium

  75. Platinum

  76. Thallium

  77. Bismuth

  78. Polonium

  79. Astatine

  80. Francium

  81. Radium

  82. Actinium

  83. Thorium

  84. Protactinium

It's actually all these minerals that gives the salt its beautiful pink color!

Not all salt is created equal

I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor, like always, before following any of my advice, especially if you are following a diet that has adequate excessive amounts of sodium.  Oftentimes when we think of sodium we think of plain white table salt.  Let’s look at the sodium content for a moment of pink himalayan salt versus table salt.

1 tsp of pink himalayan salt contains 1,700 mg of sodium compared to 2,300 mg of table salt.  

The American Heart association recommendation no more than 2,300 mg sodium per day & ideally consuming no more than 1,500 mg per day

1 tsp of Sole water contains 478 mg of sodium. 

Now things are going to get a bit sciency.  Water can absorb 26% sodium chloride.  In other words we are going to be adding enough salt to our water that it is fully saturated & unable to mix in anymore.  

Once you begin using your sole water all you will need to do is periodically add more water to the jar making sure that you always have a bit of salt left in the bottom to ensure that 26% saturation rate.

Always be sure that there is salt left at the bottom of the jar to ensure the water is fully saturated

Sole Water for Optimum Health

What are the benefits of solar infused water?

A very important part of this is actually the solar infusion.  While there may not be any science backed studies there are many anecdotal reports that people have provided about drinking solar infused water.  

They’ve reported

  • Enhanced energy

  • Repairing of cellular level damage 

  • Boosts in digestive fire & increases appetite 

  • Healing of skin allergies & rashes

  • Thyroid support helping the body to fight against infection & inflammation 

  • Overall sense of wellbeing & rejuvenation

But don’t just take my word on this.  Try it out for yourself before you come to any conclusions.

One last thing to mention as we are going to be infusing our sole water in the sun.  Do not make this during an eclipse.

During an eclipse the vital force of the sun, which is what we’re harnessing by infusing our sole water in the sun, is cut off momentarily.  This cutting off of the vital force is not what we want to be consuming.  In alchemy we don’t make or begin medication protocols during eclipses either for this reason.

If you live somewhere that doesn’t get a lot of direct sun you could still do the solar infusion even if it’s overcast.  We do what we can with what we have.  

If you choose not to so the solar infusion portion you will still receive the health benefits, the solar infusion is an option but it is worth it.  I like to keep my concentration on a window sill so it’s constantly absorbing the solar rays.  


Pink Himalayan salt

Celtic gray sea salt (optional)

Redmond’s real salt (optional)

Filtered or spring water


  • Fill a jar of any size a quarter of the way with salt.  The majority needs to be pink Himalayan salt.  In the video I added 2 tbsp of Celtic gray sea salt

  • Add enough filtered water to fill the jar

  • Stir the jar thoroughly until as much of the salt is dissolved as possible.  You want some salt left over at the bottom of the jar.  If you notice all the salt has been absorbed add more to ensure the 26% dilution 

  • Cover the jar with a plastic lid

  • Place the jar in the sun for the day (8-12 hours if possible)


Adults: 1 teaspoon of the concentrated mixture in 8 oz of filtered (warm or cool) water on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. You may need to work up to this if you have a sensitive stomach so be sure to follow the lead of your body

Children: ½ teaspoon of the concentrated mixture in 8 oz of filtered (warm or cool) water first thing in the morning


Leave the jar on the countertop or on a window sill.  Salt is naturally antibacterial & antifungal so it’s not going to spoil.


  • Do not use any metal utensils as metal will de-ionize the salt.   Always use plastic or glass utensils 

  • You can add a bit of flavor by squeezing some lemon into the mixture (not the solution)

  • It may be helpful to drink this in cases of motion sickness &/or nausea

  • Drink when you need to replenish your electrolytes 

  • Speak to your doctor if you have high blood pressure or have experienced heart failure before consuming

Comment down below & let me know how you get in your trace minerals

Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing a holy basil infused vinegar rich in nutrients & active enzymes assisting the body to establish a healthy gut flora.

Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!

Watch the video & tutorial HERE


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