Warming Salve for Achy Muscles & Creaky Joints

Today I’m sharing a salve recipe made from an oil infusion that will help address your achy muscles & creaky joints.

This salve will give your body some of the relief it’s looking for.

Warming Salve for Achy Muscles & Creaky Joints

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Our recipe today includes a two part process, first we infuse an oil, second we make the salve.  

Learn about the art of making salve HERE 

Learn how to make an infused oil on the stove HERE

Learn how to make an infused oil with an herbal infusion machine HERE

However you don’t need any fancy machinery to make the oil infusion for this healing salve, you can honestly just put your herbs in a mason jar, cover them with oil & allow them to sit in a South (or any window that gets a lot of sunlight) facing window or even outside if the weather permits it.  If this is the method you choose just make sure it sits in the sun for at least 8 hours.

So let’s jump right in & talk about the primary actions of concern, which is just another way of saying what these herbs do in the body & where in the body they like to go, but by no means covers ALL the actions or affinities they are the ones we are most concerned with.

Cayenne Pepper

Capsicum annuum

Herbal Actions & Affinities 

  • Rubefacient when applied topically opening up the pores of the skin & increasing circulation.  It causes some reddening of the skin which is a signal that your capillaries are dialing & increasing blood circulation.  This improved circulation can relieve tension in muscles & helps remove metabolic waste products from the body.

  • Vasodilator when applied topically widening the blood vessels

  • Inflammation modulator due to its capsaicin content.  Capsaicin blocks a neurotransmitter in the body called Substance P which is what transmits the pain signal from the nerves to the central nervous system

  • Spasmolytic (antispasmodic) reducing tension in the smooth muscles of the body.


  • Hot

  • Drying

  • Tonifying 


  • Overuse can cause blisters 

  • Discontinue if any irritation occurs

Ginger Root

Zingiber officinale

Herbal Action & Affinities

  • Circulatory stimulant & works as a rubefacient

  • Inflammation modulator & can help reduce the pain of osteoarthritis 

  • Spasmolytic by reducing tension & relaxing the muscles

  • Anodyne by reducing the sense of pain felt in the body.  This is one of  nature's pain relievers.


  • Warming

  • Drying

  • Relaxing


  • Use with caution if you have sensitive skin, a test patch is encouraged to make sure you won’t have any issues.

Turmeric Root

Curcuma longa

Herbal actions & Affinities

  • Inflammation modulation & contains antioxidants helping the body to reduce inflammation caused by free radicals.  It also contains a compound called curcumin which is a constituent that can naturally lower the levels of enzymes in our body that can cause inflammation.


  • Warming

  • Drying

  • Relaxing


  • Avoid in pregnancy but always be sure to consult your health care practitioner

Warming Salve for Achy Muscles & Creaky Joints

These first three herbs alone will make a potent healing salve but since we do find ourselves on this abundant planet with so many different plant allies that are just waiting for us to pay attention to them, why not add a few herbs to this blend to really get those healing benefits we’re looking for?  

If you don’t have access or the desire to add these additional plants simply make your oil infusion with the three spices listed. 


Equisetum arvense

Herbal Actions & Affinities

  • Highly nutritive to the connective tissue of the body including bones, cartilage, joints & muscles as it contains a compound called silicon which helps strengthen bones & may be useful for cases of osteoporosis.

  • Inflammation modulating


  • Cooling

  • Drying 

  • relaxing


  • Use with caution if you have any known sensitivities to equisetum species of plants.

Stinging Nettle

Urtica dioica

Herbal Actions & Affinities 

  • Rubefacient increasing blood flow & circulation

  • Strengthens the blood & muscular tissue due to its iron content

  • Has been used historically to treat arthritis & relieve sore muscles  


  • Cooling

  • Drying

  • Tonifying


  • None of concern with this method


Ingredients for the infused oil

1 cup of carrier oil (olive, avocado, almond, etc)

1 tbsp Cayenne pepper powder

1 tbsp Ginger root powder

1 tbsp Turmeric root powder

1 tbsp Horsetail 

1 tbsp Stinging Nettles

Ingredients for the salve

1 cup of infused oil

¼ cup beeswax


  1. Using your preferred method make an infused oil

  2. Melt the beeswax in a double boiler over low heat.

  3. Once the wax is melted add the infused oil & stir until fully incorporated

  4. Test the salve by putting 1 tbsp on a plate & placing that in the freezer for 2 minutes.  If the salve is the appropriate consistency proceed to the next stem.  If the salve is too soft add more beeswax.  If the salve is too hard add more oil.

  5. If you want to add an essential oil remove from the heat & add the correct amount as per the manufacturer's dilution recommendations.

  6. Pour the salve into tins or glass jars & allow to solidify before use.

  7. Store the salve in a dark cool place & use as needed


  1. Once you apply the salve do not touch any other parts of your body until you wash your hands.  Especially those delicate parts like your eyes & definitely before you go to the washroom.

  2. If you are using this to treat arthritic pain it may take a few weeks of daily use to see results.

Comment down below & let me know if this is something you’re going to make?  Did you change out any of the ingredients?  I’d love to hear about it

Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing a recipe for tincture to help support a dysregulated nervous system

Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!

Watch the video & tutorial HERE


Nervous System Regulation with a Tincture Formulation


Infusion for Sleep & Working with the Element of Air