Infusion for Sleep & Working with the Element of Air

Today I’m going to share with you an infusion recipe to help support your sleep.

This simple infusion will help relax those tired nerves of yours helping you drift off to dreamland.

Infusion for Sleep & Working with the Element of Air

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Have you ever woken up tired but by the time you get through your day you know that night sleep will be avoiding you once again?  

Do you often wake up during the night & struggle to get back to sleep?

Have you experienced a day where you were so tired but you just couldn’t relax to the point where you could get to sleep?

Do you struggle to fall & stay asleep?

If you answered yes to any of those questions then this might be the assistance you’ve been looking for.

Sleep was once something I avoided saying silly phrases like “I can sleep when I’m dead” or “no rest for the wicked”.  While I’m not entirely sure what wickenss I was implying they were excuses I used to not worry about getting good quality sleep.  

However as we grow older & wiser we begin to understand the importance of a good quality sleep. We begin to learn about the various bodily functions that can only occur when the body is asleep such as:

  • Tissue growth & repair

  • Release of necessary hormones such as growth hormone, melatonin, cortisol, leptin & ghrelin levels

  • Clearing metabolites & potentially toxic compounds that have built up over the awake state

  • Brain maintenance as your brain organizes information consolidating memories.

  • Your vital energy is restored

Learn more about the importance of sleep HERE & HERE 

Now that we can see why sleep is important & what happens during sleep what can we do to support the body to fall asleep & stay asleep?  One thing you could do is reach for some plant allies & allow then to assist you in your desires for slumber.  

Let’s talk about some of these plant allies.

Infusion for Sleep & Working with the Element of Air


Passiflora incarnata


  • Sweet indicating it contains mucilage which builds up tissues & helps strengthen the constitution 

Herbal Actions & Affinities 

  • Nervine Sedative calming the nervous system reducing stress throughout the body. 

  • Nervine Hypnotic helping induce deep & successful sleep

  • Spasmolytic easing muscular cramps or spasm

  • Anodyne easing the sensation of any pain you may be experiencing


  • Slightly cooling & drying


  • It may interfere with the effects of prescription sedatives 

Ruling Planet

  • Venus

Ruling Element

  • Air

Lemon Balm

Melissa officinalis


  • Sour cooling off excessive heat

Herbal Actions & Affinities

  • Nervine sedative whose effects are relatively mild but powerfully calming on the nervous system

  • Nootropic assisting in elevating cognitive function helping a scattered mind become more focused


  • Cooling

  • Drying

  • Relaxing


  • If you have hypothyroidism & are taking medication avoid this herb

  • Be cautious when using other sedatives.

Ruling Planet

  • Jupiter

Ruling Element

  • Air


Damiana aphrodisiaca


  • Sweet

  • Bitter the longer you infuse it

Herbal Actions & Affinities

  • Nervine tonic/ Trophorestorative meaning it is healing & restorative to the body & specifically to the nervous system

  • Mild sedative


  • Drying

  • Warming

  • Tonifying


  • Hypoglycemic medications

  • Pregnancy & breastfeeding

Ruling Planet

  • Venus

Ruling Element

  • Air

Infusion for Sleep & Working with the Element of Air

As you can see all of our plants today are ruled by the element of the Air & this is not just a coincidence.

Let’s talk a bit about this element, it is the element that sustains our life, no air = no breath = no life.

Air represents the Yang dynamic and the masculine quality of life embodying an every changing & constantly moving volatile element.

It is energy moving up & out as opposed to the receptive feminine energy of down & in.

Air has a quality that is Hot & Moist

Glyph is the upward facing triangle with the line horizontally through the center

Platonic solid is the Octahedron

Air is the element of the mind, intelligence & knowledge. It strengthens memory & brings order to thoughts.

When in excess Air can create a state of dryness, coldness & tension.  It generally affects the nervous system, lungs, large intestine & overall movement of the body.

When in balance the breath is smooth & even with regular digestion & is clear focused & calm with a regularity in one's rhythm.   

Sleep is one way you can nourish the element of air in the body.

Air plants assist the body through sympathy (like treats like) or antipathy (opposite cures opposite)

Air element plants do fit into a couple different categories herbal such as:

  • Relaxants & many are spasmolytic (antispasmodic) 

  • Stimulants that work by stimulating the nervous system 

  • Carminatives that remove excess air from the body 

  • Demulcent by mitigating dryness through mucilaginous its properties

  • Nervine helping to calm, sedate & nourish the nervous system.

Nervines can be in a few different categories from nervine hypnotics like Passionflower to nutritive tonics & trophorestoratives like Damiana & Lemon Balm. 

If you’re interested in working directly with the element of Air you can do so in a couple different ways.  

I like the processes in the book “Magical Symbols & Alphabets, a practitioner's guide to spells, rites & history” by Sandra Kynes.  Grab a copy HERE 

 Some ideas are:

  • Through immersing yourself in the element.  Go stand outside on a windy day & just listen to the messages in the breeze.

  • Through meditation 

  • With the glyph (symbol) or platonic solid

  • By working with certain crystals: Blue Lace & tree agate, ametrine, angelite, aragonite, aventurine, celestite, chrysoberyl, desert rose, moldavite, opal, clear quartz, sodalite, sphene, staurolite, blue topaz & blue tourmaline. 

  • By working with specific colors of candles: light blue, gray, lavender, pink, red, silver, white or yellow

  • Or just allow your own intuitive faculties to point you in the direction of how air wants to work with you.

Recipe & Tutorial

2 tbsp Passionflower 

2 tbsp Lemon Balm 

1 tbsp Damiana

12 oz hot filtered water 


  1. Combine all your herbs in a large mason jar or tea press

  2. Cover herbs completely with 12 oz hot water.

  3. If using a mason jar stir thoroughly. If using a tea press, press the herbs below the water line

  4. Allow the herbs to infuse for a minimum of 2 hours on the countertop

  5. When ready to consume strain

  6. To heat up place in a pot on the stove

  7. Add honey to taste & enjoy


  • Drink the infusion 45 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed

Comment down below & let me know how you like to support your sleeping habits?

Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing a recipe for a warming salve you can use for achy muscles & creaky joints.  Thank you for spending this time with me today & may you find Peace wherever you are!

Watch the Video & Tutorial HERE !


Warming Salve for Achy Muscles & Creaky Joints


Diffusive Ginger Syrup for Dry & Cold Coughs