Digestive Tea Blend Recipe

Join me as I share a tea blend that you can enjoy as a daily treat to support your digestive health.

Your tastebuds & gut will thank you!

Digestive Tea Blend

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Last week we made a digestive bitter tincture that will be ready in 6 weeks to help support digestion.  While you wait 6 weeks for the tincture to be ready, here's a tea blend you can make that not only tastes delicious it gets your digestive juices flowing.

Let’s address a few questions first then I will share some information regarding why I choose these particular plants for our tea blend & then you’ll see how easily it all comes together.

When would you use a digestive tea blend?

Any time you were wanting to prepare your body for the act of digestion.  Learn more about the digestive pathway HERE. 

When would you use it?

10-15 minutes before you plan on eating or after you're done eating.  You could use this for the 6 weeks you’re waiting for your digestive bitters we made last week to be ready.  You could use it after you’ve eaten to give your digestive system some more support.

Another time it may be helpful or useful to take is maybe you’re feeling a bit nauseous from eating a rich or fatty meal.  Sometimes when we start to increase our daily consumption of healthy fats we can feel a bit nauseous.  This can happen for a few reasons but mainly it is your body trying to tell you that it’s having a hard time digesting the fats & needs some added support. That support could be as simple as adding digestive bitters to your regime.

Our bodies are so intelligent but sometimes it is us that thinks we know best but that's just our wants talking not our needs.  You may want that chocolate bar but the body doesn’t need it.  You may want to stick on the latest trend & fad diet treating fat like the enemy but the body needs a certain amount of healthy fat.  Learn more about that HERE  & HERE 

Who would use this tea blend?

Anyone who is wanting to assist their body in the digestion process.  If you’re wanting to relieve bloating, gas, upset stomach & even constipation.  

Constipation can be relieved due to the increased stimulation of bile release & production that bitters do within the body. Source.

Our recipe today contains 3 different herbs in equal parts & you may even have some of these in your kitchen cupboard already.

Digestive Tea Blend


Mentha piperita

Taste: Pungent, aromatic

Action: stimulant & relaxant, carminative & spasmolytic

Affinity: Digestive system, hepatobiliary system (liver, gallbladder & biliary tree)

Energetic: warming & cooling, drying, stimulant, relaxant

Contraindications: avoid using if you have a hiatal hernia, or if you suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).  It is also worth mentioning that while this recipe isn’t what I would consider to contain excessive peppermint, excessive peppermint use should be avoided in early pregnancy due to its emmenagogue effects or used in nursing mothers as it can reduce breast milk production.

Ruling planet: Mercury

Ruling element: Air

Ruling principle:  Sulfur

To learn more about the planetary, elemental & principle rulership HERE



Taste:  Bitter

Action: Alterative helping eliminate excess dampness from the body & cooling down excessive heat, supporting the kidneys, liver & digestion, Cholagogue/choleretic (stimulates bile & bile production)

Affinity: hepatobiliary system, digestive system, blood & lymphatic system

Energetic: cooling with a net drying effect with a slightly tonifying quality that helps open & loosen stagnation in the tissues.

Contraindications: Generally regarded as safe but it does have the ability to negatively interact with lithium medication.

Ruling planet:Jupiter

Ruling element: Water

Ruling principle:  Salt


Matricaria recutita

Taste: depending on the dose it can taste sweet, stronger medicinal infusions can taste bitter, aromatic

Action:Bitter carminative, spasmolytic, inflammation modulating

Affinity: Digestive system

Energetics: cooling, drying, relaxant

Contraindications: generally regarded as safe by the fda, but use with caution if you are on any CNS depressants & avoid if with anticoagulant medications or if allergic to aster-family plants

Ruling planet:Venus

Ruling element: Air

Ruling principle: Sulfur

Recipe & instructions

1 part Peppermint

1 part Dandelion

1 part Chamomile


  1. Grind the herbs in a spice grinder, blender or with a mortar & pestle so they are approximately the same size.  

  2. Mix together equal parts of each herb.  

  3. Use 1-2 tsp of tea blend per 8 oz of boiling water

  4. Steep for 10 minutes 

  5. Enjoy 10-15 minutes before your meal

Comment down below & let me know what are some additional ways you like to support your gut health.

Watch the video & tutorial HERE.


Nettles & Yarrow Decoction for Optimum Health


Digestive Bitters Tincture