Burdock Root Decoction: The Ultimate Health Elixer

Today we’re going to be making a decoction featuring burdock root, the all purpose alterative herb

It can play a role in helping to detoxify while supporting your liver, lymphatics system & nervous system

Burdock Root Decoction: The Ultimate Health Elixir

This post may contain links but they are not affiliate links.  I am not in any sort of affiliate program at this time.  They are links to things I actually use. 

To my knowledge burdock root is one of the most prominent blood purifiers we have available to us in the plant kingdom.  It is also considered to be a nutritive tonic that can help to nourish & cleanse the lipid pathways of the body.

I am not one to say that every single person should be taking the exact same herbs but this is one I would definitely consider if the body isn’t working to its full potential.  It has been used throughout our history as an herb that can help nourish tissues that are weak, emaciated & deficient.

According to well known herbalist Matthew Wood there are some special indications as to when you would want to use Burdock Root.

  • Heat dryness, lack of oil

  • Thin, withered person with dry skin & scalp

  • Dry scalp with red, scaly patches & hair loss

  • Emotionally stoic; phlegmatic about pain

  • Tired, worn out & worried

  • Headache, frontal with dry sinus

  • Respiratory conditions with dry mucosa: allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis 

  • Lack of secretions in the upper gi (seed)

  • Lack of secretions in the lower gi: constipation (root)

  • Pour glandular function; lymphatics, pancreas, endocrine, prostate, liver, spleen

  • Liver & gallbladder congestion; gallstones

  • Blood sugar lability

  • Uterine prolapse with tired feet

  • Pregnancy: balancing & nutritive during; helps prevent water retention & jaundice in babies

  • Specific for swollen prostate in men who lift weights incorrectly

  • Leeches out concretions, kidney stones, arthritis

  • Arthritis, bursitis; better with movement; worse when immobilized

  • Lower part of spine stiff

  • Sciatica; unbearable at night

  • Gouty pain

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

  • Fever with excessive oily sweating & worry

  • Profuse underarm sweat

  • Dry or oily acne, eczema, dandruff; boils, abscesses, poison ivy, rashes, itching, measles (leaf externally)

  • Retention of water in persons who are generally dry; swelling in the upper thighs & across the belly & the upper eyelids, with bags under the eyes, absence of perspiration, the skin is trying to conserve water

  • Thin pulse

  • Boils, abscesses, carbuncles 

As you can see that list sure does cover a lot of different ailments you may be experiencing so why not see if this amazing plant ally is ready to support you!

Let’s talk detox

We live in a time where medical advances are at an all time high but people are appearing to be sicker & sicker.  What the heck could be going on?  

It’s all to common for us to think that just because we eat the organic foods when we can, we avoid the pesticides & toxins, we buy free range & grass fed meats but some of us still are not in the state of health we would like to be.  

Our body is in a state of constant communication with us, but far too often we’re too busy to be paying attention.  The way the body communicates is through symptoms.  Are we expecting an overworked liver to somehow pick up the phone, give us a call & say “hey, I need your attention.  I’m struggling really badly & I need your help”

What if you’ve already received that call but didn’t realize it?  Check out this list & see if any of this sounds familiar 

Signs of congested lymph & that your body is asking for a detox

1.      Allergies

2.      Breast swelling during your cycle

3.      Cellulite

4.      Chronic fatigue

5.      Cold hand & feet

6.      Constipation

7.      Depression

8.      Digestive issues

9. Dry itchy skin

10. Estrogen dominance (cysts, PCOS, fibroids, etc.)

11. Enlarged or removed lymph nodes

12. Fluid retention

13. Food sensitivities

14. Get or stay sick

15. Headaches

16. Muscle or joint pain

17. Parasite infections

18. Sinus infections or congestion

19.  Stiffness in the AM

20.  Waking up between 3-5 AM

21.   Unexplained weight gain or weight loss resistance

22.   Brain congestion 

Symptoms of brain congestion include

  • Brain fog

  • Headaches

  • Sinus infection

  • Sinus congestion

  • Swollen or puffy face

  • Waking up tired

  • Double chin

  • Bags under the eyes

That’s quite a list isn’t it?!?  

Now before we all run to the nearest store & grab every detox product we can get our hands on I’m going to ask you to not take that approach.  We need to support our bodies as they detox, not just load up on detox products & expect the body to do the thing.

Chances are if you are feeling called to do a detox your body needs to be supported.   There’s a large possibility that you’re already backed up somewhere in the system, maybe even with some systemic inflammation.

Just loading up on detox products without adding support such as lymphatic drainage (more on that in just a moment) you might create more problems for yourself.  

What if instead we didn’t need to go out & purchase these expensive detox products because we already have an entire natural detoxification system that includes the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, digestive tract, skin & the lungs.  What if we just started to support those instead?

Ways to support the body’s natural detox process

  • Eating organic whenever possible.  Try to eat home grown food as often as you can.  Be sure when checking out farmers markets that you ask about their growing practices

  • Eat plenty of antioxidant & fiber rich foods

  • Eat naturally fermented foods that are rich in probiotics & probiotics.  Think homemade sauerkraut & milk kefir

  • Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine & sugar

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Taking detox baths with epsom salt daily

  • Use a sauna

  • Reduce intense exercise programs & focus on gentle forms of stretching like yoga & light cardio like walks

  • Make sure you are evacuating your bowels at least once a day.  If you need help going regularly consider doing a home enema, they aren’t that scary I promise.

What are some signs you should back off of detoxing?

It is up to each person to decide when they want to push through & when they want to lean back these symptoms.  There is no need to beat ourselves in submission when approaching a detoxification protocol.  It took time to build up these toxins in the body & it will take time to get rid of them safely & comfortably.

These symptoms should subside in a week or two so just know they won’t last forever even if it might feel that way in the moment. 

If your symptoms worsen after the first two weeks, become too uncomfortable or downright painful please talk to your health care professionals.  This may be an indication you’re doing too much, too fast & might benefit from backing off

  • Nausea & possibly vomiting 

  • Fever

  • Muscle aches & swollen limbs

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Excessive thirst

  • Skin rashes

  • Diarrhea

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Mood changes 

Burdock Root Decoction: The Ultimate Health Elixir

Lymphatic drainage & detoxification

It is completely out of my scope of practice to teach you personal lymphatic drainage.  However I can give you some information & point you in the right direction. I have zero affiliation with this person or her company but she sure does know her stuff.

The person I learned personal lymphatic drainage from is Dr. Caitlin Czezowski.  Her Instagram handle is doc.talks.detox & she has a YouTube channel under the same name.

The 3 main functions of the lymphatic system:

  1. Removal of waste & excess fluid from cellular metabolism

  2. Production of immune cells which help fight infections/pathogens

  3. Absorption of fatty acids & fat soluble vitamins from your diet

Possible outcomes of adding lymphatic drainage to your daily regime:

  • Reduction in inflammation

  • Reduction in fluid retention 

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • Improved circulation 

  • Improved immune function 

  • Improvement in hormones

  • Reduced stress

  • Reduced allergies

  • Reduction in sinus congestion & infection

  • Proper cell function

  • Better digestion

  • Improvement in cellulite

  • Weight loss

  • Improved memory

  • Reduction in getting & staying sick

I know that was a lot of information but feel free to come back to this post & revisit what you need to.  

So what does all this talk of detoxification & lymphatic support have to do with Burdock Root?  

Burdock Root Decoction: The Ultimate Health Elixir

Burdock Root

Arctium lappa

Image courtesy of Canva.com

Common names: Burdock Root, Hardock, Personata, Burr seed, Lappa, Lappa minor, Clotbur, Thorny burr, Beggar’s buttons, Bardana (Spanish), Bardane (French), Gobo (Japanese), Niu pang (Chinese)

Family: Asteraceae

Parts used: All of the plant can be used for food or medicinal purposes but we generally use the taproot with fresh or dried

  • Young leaves can be eaten & used externally 

  • You can make a hot water infusion with the leaves & they become mucilaginous & demulcent which is an excellent digestive tonic


  • Bitter → helping to improve digestion & metabolism of fats &

  • Sweet → this taste helps to increase carbohydrate digestion & metabolism.  When a cell is nourished it has the ability to retain more water & therefore help to reduce dryness. To be clear not sweet like sugar but sweet like carbs 

  • Oily

Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities:

  • The oil content helps to increase bile secretions helping to promote better absorption of fats & oils telling us it has an affinity for the liver & gallbladder.  A lack of oil can result in inflammation 

  • Fats & lipids are one of the building blocks of our hormones, they need oils to help them move throughout the body, burdocks oiliness helps with this as it has an affinity for the endocrine system

  • Due to its moisturizing properties it also has an influence over the kidneys & has been used as a remedy for kidney stones

  • Works to help balance blood sugar imbalances 

  • Alterative properties which are amazing at addressing chronic & non acute skin eruptions helping to cleanse the blood, remove impurities & toxins from the body

  • Prebiotic inulin which is a fiber that nourishes the gut microbiome, helping to support the Gi, maintaining integrity of the gut wall, reducing inflammation, providing immunological support & protection from pathogenic bacteria as well as supporting overall digestion 

  • Lymphagogue with some diuretic & diaphoretic properties helping to stimulate lymphatic circulation & this can help address chronically swollen lymph nodes 

  • Nervous system affinity due to its oil content.  Our nerves are coated in a myelin sheathing which contains an oily layer & that oily layer is the reason why electrical signals can travel so quickly down the length of a neuron.  However when our nervous system is deficient in oils we can see things like anxiety, hysteria, nervousness, insomnia & overall stress.  This is what leads to nervous system exhaustion 

Keeping in mind I am not a Doctor & this is not medical advice but I would  consider giving burdock root alongside or after a round of antibiotics as it can help address any antibiotic trauma you may be experiencing.  I’m not bashing prescription medications in any way, there is a time & place but sometimes those medications can be harmful to the system & burdock is can be excellent support.  Always be sure to consult your healthcare professionals before following any of my advice.


The prickly burrs of burdock are the inspiration behind velcro. 

  • This is signifying that burdock is a clingy herb with an ability to latch on to things & as we just talked about how burdock helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Signature = Sign in Nature. This is based off of the theory of the Doctrine of Signatures.  Learn more HERE

                                     Prickly burs of Burdock Root which were the inspiration behind Velcro. Image courtesy of Canva.com


  • Neutral 

  • Mixed moistening & drying effects

  • Slightly astringent 

What’s interesting is the intelligence of burdock may act differently with people depending on what specific things their body is requiring. 

Contraindications & precautions:

  • Burdock does have a mild hypoglycemic action so be cautious if you are taking any hypoglycemic medications  

  • Avoid if you have an allergy to the Asteraceae family of plants

Channeled message from Burdock Root:

“Allow me to help you rid yourself of what is holding you back. Allow me to gently show you what nourishment looks like. Allow me to guide you as you reconnect to the forgotten or ignored aspects of who you are. Allow me to show you the love that you already are!”

Nutritional Content per 100 g:

Energy: 72 Kcal

Carbohydrates: 17.34 g

Protein: 1.53 g

Total Fat: 0.15 g

Cholesterol: 0 mg

Dietary Fiber: 3.3 g


Folates: 23 µg

Niacin: 0.300 mg

Pantothenic acid: 0.321 mg

Pyridoxine: 0.240 mg

Riboflavin: 0.30 mg

Thiamin: 0.010 mg

Vitamin C: 3 mg

Vitamin E: 0.38 mg

Vitamin K: 1.60 µg


Sodium: 5 mg

Potassium: 308 mg


Calcium: 41 mg

Iron: 0.80 mg

Magnesium: 38 mg

Manganese: 0.232 mg

Phosphorus: 51 mg

Selenium: 0.7 mg

Zinc: 0.33 mg

Source: USDA National Nutrient data base

Additional notes:

  • It may be necessary depending on how depleted the person is to take large doses over a long time as a Rejuvenative tonic

  • In larger doses & depending on what’s all going on in your gut it may work as a laxative so if your gut is sensitive to certain things start small & move 

  • It does an excellent job of clearing out toxins from the body but we need to think for a moment, how do these toxins leave the body?  Through the kidneys, liver, digestive system, lungs, skin.  So you may notice breakouts, my advice is to push through & allow burdock to do its thing.  If too much is being detoxed lean back a bit & decrease the dosage

Ruling planet:

  • Jupiter

Ruling element:

  • Earth

Burdock Root Decoction: The Ultimate Health Elixir


1 Tbsp dried root per 8 oz of water


  • Pot with lid for simmering

  • Spoon for stirring

  • Stove

  • Teapot or jar for storage


  1. Place the required amount of roots into filtered water

  2. Bring it up to a simmer

  3. Reduce heat, cover & allow to simmer for 20-30 minutes

  4. Remove from heat & allow to steep for 40 minutes

  5. Strain & store in a tea pot or jar in the refrigerator 


  • 1 cup 3-4 times per day


  • You can drink this beverage hot or cold   

Comment down below & let me know how you like to support your liver?  What do you do when your body is asking to be detoxed?

Be sure to come back next week & learn how to make an emulsified magnesium lotion!

Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!

Watch the video & tutorial HERE


Emulsified Magnesium Lotion


Culturing Dairy 101: Milk Kefir