Angela Goertzen Angela Goertzen

Language of Nature pt 4: Introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures; Organ & Disease Signatures

Join me as we dig into another layer of the Doctrine of Signatures where we will be going over organ & disease signatures.

In this post I will be sharing with you how certain signatures can lead us to the treatment of diseases & ailments simply because of what they are resembling in the human body. There is much left to discover so let’s go!

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Angela Goertzen Angela Goertzen

Language of Nature pt 2: Introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures; Color & Leaf Shape

This post is an introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures, which is the language of nature.

There are many different layers to the doctrine of signatures & I am going to attempt to share them with you over the series of the next few posts. This is shared with the intention to assist you in building a foundation which you are invited & encouraged to build off of. Keep in mind no one part is more important than the next.

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Angela Goertzen Angela Goertzen

Language of Nature Pt 1: The Alchemical Map of Creation

Have you ever heard the saying we are all one? Curious about what that might even mean? I’m going to share with you a blueprint that shows you not only how we are One but an entire map of creation.

Join me for an introduction to alchemy!

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