Language of Nature Pt 1: The Alchemical Map of Creation
Have you ever heard the saying we are all one? Curious about what that might even mean? I’m going to share with you a blueprint that shows you not only how we are One but an entire map of creation.
Join me for an introduction to alchemy!
The Alchemical Map of Creation
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This is the first post in a series called Language of Nature titled The Map of Creation. Don’t worry I’ll be explaining what that even means. Then in the next 3 posts I will be sharing an introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures which is one way that nature is in constant communication with us. It is said that when Source created life, each plant was marked with a signature which is a sign for their purpose. I am going to humbly attempt to share this language with you.
It’s one thing to learn the language of the plants, but are you interested in learning how to communicate with them yourself? In the final part of this series I will be sharing a few techniques so you can begin to get your own messages from the plant world.
You see we are in a symbiotic relationship with the natural world already. Think of the breath for a moment, that is your connection. Our exhale becomes the inhale of the plant world. Our inhale becomes the exhale of the plant world. We support each other in that way & have since the beginning of Time. This is ancient wisdom our ancestors knew but in these busy & modern times we’ve all but forgotten. It’s time to begin to repair our relationship with our Mother Earth & all of her children.
So where do we start? At the beginning. Don’t worry this is hardly a religious lesson about creation, but what it is is an attempt to show you that the different traditions around the world are actually talking about the same thing, although they may use slightly different language. The map I’m about to share with you shows you how the part contains the whole. The Macrocosm & how life was created.
To give credit where credit is due I first learned about this from the School of Evolutionary Herbalism. They go into much greater detail in their book Evolutionary Herbalism than I am going to be sharing with you in this post. It is an amazing book & I recommend it to anyone looking to follow a plant path. You can pick up your own copy HERE.
Enough about that, let’s look at the map & I will break it down. There is more to it than what I am about to share, but we all need to start somewhere. I am also going to be sharing the planetary rulers of each force to help tie this together.
The Alchemical Map of Creation
Let’s first explore the invisible world. We have our starting point, which in alchemy is referred to as the Prima Materia, the first matter that is not matter. Other words we could use are the Formless Form, the Void, first point of Creation beyond Time & Space, everything that is beyond Duality & Rationality or Chaos. The Prima Materia is represented by the planet Pluto.
Then something happened, science calls it the Big Bang. Essentially there was the first split of duality & life emerged. Our first split becomes the grand axis that maintains the balance of Creation.
In alchemy the first two forces to emerge from this split are called Celestial Niter & Celestial Salt.
Other words you may have heard for Celestial Salt are:
Qabalah calls it Form
Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it Yin
In the alchemical perspective it is the fixed path
Energy moving down
Fixes Spirit down into matter (the earth)
Other words we could use are night, the feminine quality, structure.
The planetary ruler is Neptune
So if this is one side of duality, we would need the opposite, Celestial Niter.
Other words you may have heard for Celestial Niter are:
Quabalah calls it Force
Traditional Chinese Medicine calls it Yang
In the alchemical perspective it is the volatile path
Energy moving up
Liberated form into spirit (the sky)
Other words you could use are day, the masculine quality, energy
The planetary ruler is Uranus
Next we have what we would call the boundary between the invisible world & the physical tangible world. Essentially Source energy is starting to take a physical form. I will explain what is holding that boundary in place in a moment.
Once the initial polarity of creation was established, our first division of duality Celestial Salt & Celestial Niter split into two forces each:
Celestial Salt splits & becomes the two fixed elements of alchemy; Earth & Water.
Celestial Niter splits & becomes the two volatile elements of alchemy; Air & Fire.
This split becomes the horizontal axis of Reality. Let’s slightly break down each element & what they are representing. Within this division of life we receive the cardinal directions & the four seasons
Earth being the most fixed element it represents our physical body
According to Jung it represents the Sensory type person
Cardinal direction East
Season of Spring
Ruled by the planet Saturn
Water represents our emotional body
According to Jung it represents the Feeling type person
Cardinal direction of West
Season of Fall
Ruled by the moon
Air represents our emotional body
According to Jung it represents the intellectual type person
Cardinal direction of North
Season of Winter
Ruled by the planet Jupiter
Fire represents our intuitive body
According to Jung it represents the Intuitive type person
Cardinal direction of South
Season of Summer
Ruled by Mars
There is so much more I could fill in but this is a mere introduction. Remember that barrier I talked about a moment ago? When all 4 elements combine in a perfect harmony we get the element of Ether or what you could refer to as Time & Space.
Next we after this split we have a joining together in alchemy to form the Tri-Prima or 3 Philosophical Principles of Alchemy. In other words it is the establishment of the Trinity.
Earth & Water join to become Salt
It is the fixed element of astrology
The physiology level
Represents our physical body
Ayurveda- Kapha Dosha
Ruled by the planet Venus
Water & Air join to become Mercury
It is the mutable element of astrology
The psychological level
Represents Spirit (the Universal Vital force)
Ayurveda- Vata Dosha (Traditionally it is Air & Space {Ether} but once you get down to the essence it fits here)
Ruled by the planet Mercury
Air & Fire join to become Sulfur
It is the cardinal direction of astrology
The spiritual level
Represents Soul (how Source is uniquely manifesting in you as an individual)
Ayurveda- Pitta Dosha
Ruled by the Sun
These 4 elements; Earth, Water, Air & Fire along with the three principles of Salt, Mercury & Sulfur equals the 7 visible planets of astrology.
Not only do you hold the map & blueprint, so does every other thing you see before you. Every plant, animal, mineral & person that you see has this inside them. However what differentiates organisms is their relative ratios of each force.
That’s it, that’s all I want to share about this map today. I know it was a lot & there is so much more but for the sake of preventing overwhelm I think this feels complete. Be sure to come back next week where I present to you an introduction to the Doctrine of Signatures.
Comment down below & let me know what your takeaways are. What other perspectives have shown up for you?
Until next time, thanks for being here & may you find peace wherever you are.
The map showing the planetary rulers
What differentiates different organisms is their relative ratios of each force.
To watch the video HERE.