Blood Sugar Balancing Infused Vinegar Recipe

Have you been looking for a way to help balance your blood sugar?

Look no further than this blood sugar balancing vinegar that has ingredients you most likely already have in your cupboard!

Blood Sugar Balancing Infused Vinegar

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Low & high blood sugar is most likely something that many of us will experience at least once in our lifetimes, but for some this can be a common occurrence.  

This vinegar recipe is something that you will be able to use to help regulate your blood sugar but keep in mind if low or high blood sugar is something you experience often be sure to consult your healthcare professionals before following any advice found on this blog.  

This vinegar is more of a support you can use to help regulate your blood sugar and is not meant as a treatment for diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Each of us will have our own signs & symptoms when we are experiencing low or high blood sugar but what are some other signs you can look for?  Keeping in mind we are all individuals and one persons high blood sugar could resemble another’s low blood sugar symptoms

Signs that you may be experiencing low blood sugar or Hypoglycemia 

  • Looking pale

  • Shakiness & tremors

  • Sweating

  • Headache

  • Hunger or nausea

  • Irregular or fast heart beat

  • Fatigue 

  • Restless nights 

  • Irritability, anxiety & emotional instability

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Tingling or numbness of the lips, tongue or cheek 

Signs you may be experiencing high blood sugar or hyperglycemia

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent urination

  • Increased thirst

  • Headaches

  • Blurred vision

  • Nausea, vomiting 

  • Confusion 

  • Tingling hands & feet

All of these things could certainly be due to other health issues which is why my number one recommendation is to consult your healthcare practitioners to rule out other serious illnesses. 

Ways to balance your blood sugar 

  • Knowing your bodies specific signs of low blood sugar or high blood sugar so you can intervene before it gets too low or too high

  • Eat your meals spaced out but no more than 4-5 hours apart

  • Follow a minimally processed balanced diet

  • Increase your intake of non starchy, fiber rich vegetables, fruits & whole grains

  • Eat plenty of high-quality protein & healthy fats

  • Exercising regularly 

  • Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night

  • Drink plenty of water

  • Keep your stress levels in check.  Keep in mind a small level of stress is considered healthy but it’s when more often than not those stressful moments tend to get the better of us & we act below our own dignity that it can become an issue. It is nobody’s job to walk on egg shells simply because you are choosing not to take accountability to the amount of stress you are experiencing at any given moment.

  • Consume apple cider vinegar which is what we are going to be using in our recipe today.  Learn more about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar HERE

  • Lean on plant allies that are known to help regulate & balance blood sugar such as Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Green Tea (Camellia sinensis), Garlic (Allium sativum), Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), Gotu Kola (Cantella asiatica), Aloe Vera, Goldenseal (Hydrastis candensis), Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum), Ginseng (Panax ginseng) or as we will be using in our recipe today Fenugreek (Trigonella feonum-graecum), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum) & Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Blood Sugar Balancing Infused Vinegar

Fenugreek Seeds

Trigonella feonum-graecum

Picture courtesy of Wikimedia


  • Slightly sweet & bitter

Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities

  • In TCM it is considered a phlegm mover & is said to break up stuck energies & cool inflammation in the body

  • Lowers total cholesterol levels, triglycerides, decreasing “bad cholesterol” while increasing “good cholesterol due to its sulfur & choline content

  • The bitter flavor helps get the digestive process by getting your digestive secretions flowing & supports liver function 

  • Carminative helping to address or prevent gas, bloating, cramping, indigestion, heartburn & acid reflux

  • Lymphagogue helping to clear & promote drainage of the lymphatic system 

  • Protects the mucous membranes of the body

  • Contains a considerable amount of iron helping the body with the process of blood formation

  • Contains considerable amounts of vitamin B & phosphorus with a special affinity for the nervous system 

  • High in fiber which helps to slow glucose absorption

  • Stimulates the hormone insulin which helps your body get sugar out of your bloodstream & into your cells for energy 


  • Warm

  • Moistening 


  • Avoid if you have an allergy to peanuts, chickpeas or legumes

  • Avoid if you have any liver problems 

  • There may be some side effects with certain medications so be sure to talk to your health care professionals  to make sure there are no adverse reactions 

  • If you are breastfeeding it is used traditionally as a galactagogue increasing breast milk production.   

Ruling Planet

  • Mercury


Cinnamomum spp.

Picture courtesy of


  • Astringent

  • Bitter

  • Pungent

  • sweet

Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities

  • Stimulates digestive metabolism helping cold & sluggish digestion

  • Carminative aiding in the digestion of fats 

  • Circulatory stimulant helping with cold extremities & fluid accumulation 

  • Anti-microbial properties can help with different forms of dysbiosis (imbalanced microbiome) including Candida

  • Helps to increase glucose activity which can help lower blood sugar levels & keep long-term glucose levels in check 


  • Hot

  • Dry

  • Tonifying


  • Galactagogue & can increase breast milk supply

Ruling Planet

  • Sun 

Ginger root

Zingiber officinale

Picture courtesy of


  • Astringent

  • Bitter

  • Pungent

Herbal Actions & Bodily Affinities

  • Circulatory stimulant increasing peripheral circulation causing dilation of the veins, sweating & helps clear toxins from the blood

  • Inflammation modulator with an affinity for the musculoskeletal system encouraging a healthy inflammation response by supporting blood supply helping to clear congestion & reduce fluid retention

  • Carminative helping to break up & expel excess gas & wind from the system

  • Antiemetic which means it can combat nausea & vomiting 


  • Hot

  • Dry

  • Tonifying


  • Avoid if you have peptic ulcers

  • It is considered to be an emmenagogue so be consult with your healthcare practitioners to see if it’s safe for you to use in pregnancy 

Ruling Planet

  • Sun 

Fenugreek seeds, Cinnamon Stick & Ginger Root


2 cups Apple cider vinegar with the mother 

¼ cup Fenugreek seeds

2 inches Fresh ginger peeled & sliced

2-3 Cinnamon sticks


  1. Place cinnamon stick, ginger & fenugreek seeds in a sanitized jar

  2. Cover the herbs with apple cider vinegar, filling to the top

  3. Put parchment paper & secure the lid

  4. Allow the vinegar to infuse for 2 weeks

  5. Strain out the herbs & reserve the liquid

  6. Store in a glass jar


  • Use 1-2 tsp in water before meals.


  • To sanitize your jar in the oven: Place jar in 220F oven for 20 minutes

  • The vinegar will have a shelf life of 6 months

  • Use a straw when ever you drink ACV infusions to protect your tooth enamel from the acidity 

  • If you have diabetes use this formula under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner as these herbs may interfere with blood glucose regulation

Comment down below & let me know what are ways you like to support your blood sugar levels?

Be sure to come back next week where I’ll be sharing a lemon balm cookie recipe 

Until next time, may you find Peace wherever you are!

Watch the Video & Tutorial HERE!


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