Aura Spray Tutorial

Looking for a tool you can easily use when you aren’t feeling grounded?

Join me as I share a completely customizable aura spray recipe & tutorial.

Aura Spray Tutorial

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I’d like to talk about hygiene today, specifically psychic energy hygiene (no you don’t even have to be a psychic) & introduce you to one of my favorite products to use called aura sprays.  This is going to be an introduction to some really interesting concepts I would like to share with you.  I have plans on diving into these topics more in the future, so please stick around, things are just starting to get exciting.

What is psychic energy hygiene?  Like I said this doesn’t have anything to do with any psychic abilities like clairvoyance (clear vision) or clairsentience (clear feeling) which in reality are just heightened versions of your human senses.  This is rather about maintaining & resetting if needed a clear energy field around you.  There are themes when we struggle to stay within our own energy field, there are other times when we struggle to stay out of the energy field of another.  

You see whether you realize it or not we are like psychic sponges picking up on the energy around us.  This is something we do so naturally, just like the breaths we take or the beating of our hearts.  

How does a simple spray help with maintaining, cleansing, purifying & maintaining a clear energy field?  

Like I said this is an introduction to some concepts, which I will share with you now. 

We are made up of 5 different energy bodies:

Depending on what practices you follow these may be called something different. This is not to make any way righter than the other, but rather just another way to look at the Grand Scheme of Life.

The 5 energy bodies:

  • The Physical body: the body you see before you, the physical vessel.

  • The Etheric/Energetic: the body made of energy, our life force or prana.

  • The Mental: body made of mind, our perceptions of the world, ourselves & others who live here. 

  • The Intellectual: body made of wisdom, our knowledge, beliefs & values.

  • The Spiritual: body of Consciousness.

Basically speaking at any given time in any interaction we can have the potential to be picking up something on any layer.  The simplest way to think of this is when we get a cold, our physical body has picked something up, we get sick.  And because separation is a lie, there are no differences between these bodies, only the way in which we observe them.  

Let me explain: have you ever been in a room with someone who was in a bad mood then low & behold you suddenly come down with the same bad mood?  What may have happened is you picked up something in their energy field & you took it as your own.  Remember when I mentioned we’re psychic sponges picking up information (energy) from our surroundings?  Well sometimes we pick up others' perceived bad mood so we can help them transmute it for example.  But from what I’ve observed, the why doesn’t matter & is sometimes beyond our limited understanding. There is so much more going on than we realize, but more on that another day.  

If we’re running around picking up on people's stuff what can we do about it?

One option might be to just avoid other people so you can stay pure in your own energy field.  However that might not work long term because everything you see before you is made up of the exact same consciousness, the same energetic map & blueprint of creation.  This means that what you see before you is just another version of you.   

Have you heard of the Law of One?  It states the All is in the One, the One is in the All.  No, this has nothing to do with religion but rather an entire Universal Law that governs existence, no big deal right?!?  If you want to read up more on the Law of One I suggest grabbing a copy of the Kybalion.  Another good resource is the Ra Material.  You can grab those HERE &.

How I like to see it is that anything I see before me is just another version experiencing a different viewpoint.  This doesn’t make one viewpoint right or wrong, just different because after all we came here to experience something within our Soul’s expansion & evolution. 

Aura Spray Tutorial

What’s a solution?

I will introduce to you a tool you can use called an aura spray which is something you can use to energetically cleanse your energy field.  Because we will be working with plant allies you can completely customize it.  You could consider adding certain crystals as well & tap into their healing properties.  However if you are planning on using crystals make sure they are ones such as quartz that are ok in water.  Be sure to avoid anything that can’t handle water such as selenite which will disintegrate in water.

One thing to mention is think outside the box when using this spray.  You can use it to not only cleanse the energy from your own bodies, you can cleanse the energy in a room or any divination tools such as tarot cards you may use just to name a few options.

For my aura spray, I am using sage essential oil because sage (Salvia officinalis) has amazing properties that I want to tap into. 


Salvia officinalis

Sage is considered masculine in energy, represented by the element of Air, ruled by the planet Jupiter & the sign of Sagittarius.

Medicinally it has been used as an excellent digestive aid, & can even help with memory.  At one time it was even considered a “cure-all” for a wide variety of illnesses. You could infuse sage into raw honey & make an all natural cough syrup.  

Magically, it has grounding & cleansing properties.  The indigenous peoples of our lands have been using sage in their smudging practices for eons.  

One thing I’d like to mention that has come to mind is the term cultural appropriation.  Meaning that unless you are of indigenous roots you can’t do things like smudge.  I am a metis person but that doesn’t really matter.  You see, plants don’t see us as different.  They don’t see race, they don’t know any religious creeds or doctrines.  They see us all as equals & it’s time we see them in the same light, after all we are made up of the same elements.  

So what is needed is Respect & Reverence towards the plants themselves & equally to the people that honor & revere them.  This means when foraging your own herbs you never take more than you need, leaving enough medicine for the next people.  Practicing respectful foraging habits & practices if you plan on gathering them yourself.  Making sure you are sourcing your herbs from places that are exercising sustainable & ethical harvesting practices.

When would you use this spray?

Anytime is the answer but here’s some ideas 

  • Before your daily yoga practice 

  • Before meditating

  • Before reiki or healing session

  • Before any ritual or spellwork 

  • Before and after divination sessions

  • Anytime you feel heavy, sad, anxious, or depressed

  • After a hard conversation or argument

  • At the start of your day after dressing

  • Before you go to bed

  • Any time you're not feeling grounded 

  • When you feel intuitively called to use it

The recipe & directions

All you will need is a few simple ingredients, distilled water, vodka or witch hazel & an essential oil.  As I said before this is customizable so if you feel called to use a blend of essential oils, do so, those plants may be calling your name for a reason.  

If you don’t have any essential oils on hand you can use a tincture that has the plant essence infused within it.  I’ve done it this way before & had great success.

  1. Place small amount of dried herb or crystals in the bottle if desired

  2. Place ½ oz of witch hazel or vodka in a 2 oz bottle.

  3. Add 10-15 drops of sage essential oil

  4. Add enough distilled water to fill the bottle

  5. Shake & it is ready to use.

To use it just give a few sprays around your head to cleanse your energy field.  

In next week's post I am going to show you how to take this aura spray to the next level & infuse it with healing energy.

Watch the full video & tutorial HERE.


How to do energy infusions


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