What are the benefits of meditation?
Have you ever wondered what is the point of meditation?
There are many benefits to gain through the process of meditation, here are just a few areas of your life that meditation can help you with.
What are the benefits of meditation?
While the answer to this question can be answered with one word, MANY, the truth of the matter is meditation can benefit ALL areas of your life. Here are a few areas that meditation can, will & does benefit.
The simple act of centering the mind into the present moment will allow you to stop living in the past (because it’s already over) & to stop living in the future (because it hasn’t happened yet). Meditation will seed you in the eternal moment of NOW. But why would we want to do that? Why would we want to be so concerned with the present moment?
Not to get too deep on you, it’s because each moment you get to experience the gift of life, that is the present moment.
Meditation is a tool that can assist in choosing your responses & moving past those that are solely habitual, we are creatures of habit after all. This tool can help you deal with anything that may come your way. It is a landline to your Soul & to Source Itself.
So that’s great but let’s explore some of the areas of your life that can benefit from meditation.
Emotional/Mental benefits- meditation increases positive feelings.
This can lead to improved concentration, alertness & an understanding of your environment via situational awareness. Let’s face it, life can be hard at times & the world can certainly feel like a dense & dismal place. If you allow it meditation can bring you feelings of contentment, connection, awareness & more. While we can’t as easily change the world, we can change our emotional & mental responses to it.
Behavioral benefits- meditation can improve your behavioral patterns.
This can lead to decreased laziness, increased productive behavior & reduced clumsiness via body awareness. It can even improve abilities such as athletics & even learning to play an instrument through visualization practices. Even the great Mike Tyson used some of these tactics in his training. Read more about that here.
Interpersonal benefits- meditation can improve the quality of your relationships.
This can lead to reduced social anxiety, increased outgoing behaviors, increased assertiveness, compassion & empathy while reducing anger, aggression, hatred & the tendency to judge others critically.
A Harvard study found that cultivating better relationships leads to a happier, healthier, successful life. See that study here.
Societal benefits- the happier & healthier the individual the happier & healthier the society.
Ever hear the saying, you’re only as happy as your unhappiest child? Well let’s apply a Universal Law here; as above so below, as within so without. What you see before you is a reflection of something bigger, the micro to the macro.
We are only as healthy as our sickest individual. We far too often & easily forget we are ONE. Just as I am a fractal of Source expressing a certain point of view, so are you & so is everyone else you come across no matter how unawakened or enlightened you judge them to be.
Society is simply a collection of individuals expressing & experiencing the illusion we call life.
Those are great, but what other benefits can you achieve & receive?
Spiritual benefits- meditation can create peace of mind.
This can lead to deepening your spiritual perceptions, help you find your center, strengthens your connection with the Universe Itself & provide answers to your most pressing questions.
There are time when we feel disconnected & alone, meditation will show you that you are not alone, have never been alone & never will be alone. Through a meditative process called inquiry you can receive answers to questions such as:
Who am I?
Why was I born?
What is the meaning of life?
What is my purpose?
Psychological benefits- meditation can help cope, treat & or cure many conditions.
It is always beneficial to consult your medical professionals when treating any condition but just know that within any condition, dis-ease or dis-order meditation can help you cope. Here are just a few examples:
Biploar Disorder
PTSD & Complex-PTSD
Low self-esteem
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Eating disorders
Physiological benefits- meditation has many positive effects on the body itself
These can include but are not limited to:
Regulating levels of dopamine, serotonin & endorphins in the brain
Relaxing the body & relieving any muscle tension
Helps moderate blood pressure & reduces the risk of heart disease
Helps reduce body fat & helps gain muscle mass.
Improves posture, strengthens core & lower back while improving flexibility
Boots immune system & helps prevent cold & flu.
I hope you enjoyed this list of benefits you could achieve through a meditation practice.
To watch the video that accompanies this blog post HERE.