Language of Nature pt 5: Plant Communication Techniques
There are 3 simple plant communication techniques anyone with a willing mind, open heart, curiosity & wonder!
Come explore a part of nature that is waiting for you.
Plant Communication Techniques
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Before we get to the techniques that honestly anybody has the capacity to do, I thought I would address a few questions first. Of course if you have a question that I didn’t address in this post than please leave a comment & I will answer it to the best of my ability.
What is plant communication?
It is exactly what it sounds like. It is entering in communion with Nature herself. It’s cultivating a relationship where we can both learn about each other, from each other. It’s as simple as when you encounter a plant that’s gotten your attention just start with a simple hello, how are you? And then just listen.
You can also bring an offering to a plant you would like to be in communion with. It could be an offering of nutrients, my favorite is to give whey dripped from homemade yogurt mixed in with some water. It could be an offering of a rock, stone or crystal that you hold dear or that you’ve found along your travels. It could be an offering of a song or mantra that you sing to the plant. It could be an offering of light language symbols you channel & place upon the pot. It could be an offering of whatever your heart is telling you to offer.
Who can do this?
Anybody has the ability to do this & want to know something interesting? You’re probably already doing it but on an unconscious level. So why not bring it up to a conscious level & just see what happens? There is only one thing that is going to prevent you from being a successful conscious plant communicator & that’s your belief. Believe you can because you can. In fact what the plant kingdom has shared is it is our birthright.
We are one with nature already. We are each reflections of each other experiencing a different point of view. So let’s learn from each other. You see another thing I’ve learned with getting to know the plant kingdom on a more intimate level is not only are we learning about the plants (believe me when I say this we do not know everything there is to know about the plants) the plants are learning about us.
And they are waiting. Waiting for us to get curious about who they are. Waiting for us to wonder what else there is to know about them. Waiting to show us their essence. Waiting to heal each other.
How do you get your information?
This is one thing you will need to figure out on your own but it’s not hard. Like anything in life the only block you will encounter is the blocks you place upon yourself. We are constantly receiving information from the invisible world. I’m going to let you in on a little secret, it is impossible for you to not be connected if you are reading this post right now. We can talk more about that in another post.
I’ll share with you how I get my information & a few different experiences with the intention that it will reveal how you get yours. As an empath I get my information generally through feelings. I’m also claircognizant, which means clear knowing, I just know what I know & I don’t know how I know it. It’s not always as fancy or shiny as we would like these experiences to be. I’ve found them to be quite humble but equally profound.
I’ve had experiences in a dream. I’ve also had experiences where I’ve telepathically heard a plant through a video. Both these experiences were coincidently with the same plant. So don’t worry if you feel you may have missed a message along the way. Nature rarely gets quieter when she feels she’s being ignored. I did share this story in the video linked down below so I’ll point you in that direction if you’re curious about that.
Why is getting to know plants on a personal level important? Can’t I just read about it in a book?
I’m going to answer this question with a question. Do you tell everything about yourself to the first person that looks your way or gives you attention? Most likely not the most intimate details, so why are you expecting nature to do that?
The plants are not here to serve us. They are not here to simply heal us, treating them as if they were a bottle of Tylenol in your medicine cabinet. They are here as reflections of us. Check out part one of the language of nature series: the alchemical map of creation to see what I’m talking out HERE.
What kind of messages can you expect to get?
Quite often the messages I receive are messages that are helpful to the situation I am in. They are tidbits of knowledge & wisdom that may only be a few sentences long. You may receive information on how a particular plant wants to help you or they may just want to remind you how much you are loved.
So enough about that let’s get into some techniques. Feel free to put your own spin on these techniques, these are just a few of the ways I like to connect but there are many.
Plant Communication Techniques
Technique 1: connecting with a picture
Find a picture of a plant you would like to connect with. If you don’t have a specific one in mind I like to flip through a book & just see what picture gets my attention.
Look at the picture & connect to the breath, slow it down, deep full breaths
Through intention drop your attention into your heart space.
Notice any feelings or sensations in your body. Pay attention to any thought streams, any memories that are sparked, maybe a song comes to mind.
Begin to speak & see what comes out. You could also take a piece of paper & start writing, I’ve gotten messages channel through that way as well. If nothing comes it does not mean you did anything wrong. A couple things might be happening.
That particular plant might not want to talk to you. Don’t take it personally. Nature is patience so just keep at it with a willingness & a curiosity to connect. I’ve heard stories of it taking people years to connect to a specific tree & that in itself was part of the communication.
This one was an interesting lesson I had to learn. Your expectations may have gotten the better of you regarding how you thought this was going to go.
Technique 2: connecting with a medicine
Grab a medicine you would like to connect to the essence of. This could be in the form of a tea, tincture, flower essence, actual plant matter you ingest are a few examples.
Set the intention to connect with the essence of the plant & take the medicine.
Drop into your heartspace & focus on taking nice deep, slow inhales.
Notice any sensations in your body, any thought streams or memories that come up. Where you may be feeling the medicine in your body could be a communication.
Begin to speak or do some intuitive writing & see what comes out.
Technique 3: connecting with a plant
Sit with a plant you would like to connect with
Take a few deep slow breaths & drop into your heart space.
With eyes open or closed, whichever you prefer, ask (it can be in your mind or out loud) if the plant would like to connect with you. Wait until you receive a confirmation.
From your heart space begin to merge your energy with the plant.
Take a few breaths with the plant, allowing your exhale to become it’s inhale & it’s exhale to become your inhale. Just breathe together for a moment.
Notice any sensations in your body. Any thought streams or memories that are coming up.
Begin to have a conversation or if the plant has a specific message for you receive it as it comes.
When you feel complete, give gratitude to the plant.
That’s it, those are three techniques you can use. They are quite similar and simple but I don’t believe this needs to be difficult. We are one in the same & these techniques can help remind you of that.
What are some communication techniques you’ve used? I’d love to hear about them! Thanks for reading this post & may you find Peace wherever you are.
Watch the video HERE!